The first is that the crane (single beam cranes, electric hoist crane) electric hoist gear box oil from the start of the operation of 500 hours please check the oil quantity is enough, after the third month regular check lubricating oil, lack of need to refuel.
in the outdoor use of cranes (single beam cranes, electric hoist electric hoist crane), should set up a rain proof device.
3.經常保持起重機(單梁起重機、電動葫蘆起重機)電動葫蘆零件的干燥,操作完華時請將葫蘆駛離潮濕區、高溫區或化學區,以維持 其性能。
Crane (single beam cranes, electric hoist crane electric hoist chain maintenance, please please chain oil lubrication, high dust plant oil, and regularly to remove chain and ultimate guide foreign body groove within the group to ensure smooth running of a chain.
do not use a long crane (single beam cranes, electric hoist crane electric hoist, should do treated against rust and cleaning and maintenance, and 1-3 minutes Chung operation to maintain its performance.